Arsène Gaillard Editor
It all started with a Minolta X-700, through the lens of which Arsène saw life differently. One might say he saw life through rose-colored glasses, except his early photography journey was in analog and black and white! He was just 15 years old at the time, and viewing the world through a lens became his goal. He felt that his quest for truth, beauty, and sensitivity would be achieved by tirelessly and passionately pressing the shutter button of his camera.
In 2021, he embarked on graphic design studies. Photography, graphic design, videography – it all naturally flowed together. He had the key to boundless possibilities, the key to exploring the world and telling stories, not only his own but those of others, artists, enthusiasts, and people who resonate with life; because Arsène loves the world as much as he loves people. Through his passion, he unveils the feelings, the soul, and the talents of those he encounters on his journey. Authenticity is his guiding principle.
Capturing and conveying the messages of others, allowing us to access their worlds, what makes them tick, and those moments that are the spice of life – Arsène has made this his creed. Through his encounters, he has developed a deeply personal aesthetic with a commitment to always get to the core, without detours. His art is the perfect reflection of his life's path, his passion for the sensory world, and his desire to place emotion at the heart of the image.Cédric Heckly Camera Assistant & Equipment Manager
He began his professional career as a carpenter in Gruyère (his accent sometimes gives him away), but his interest in technological innovations and his taste for creation led him to explore new fields. He discovered video production by making ski freeride videos with friends, and it became his passion. He then decided to devote all his time to specializing in the field of video. At 23bis, he takes care of the equipment and makes sure everything is clean and in order! He also makes sure that everything is in place for the team to work in the best possible conditions. His role as a technician often puts him in the position of camera assistant on shoots, a position he discovered at 23bis and loves. Outside of work, he is inspired by Géo Trouvetou by 3D printing things, soldering his own camera accessories, or setting up his smart curtains, "because it's fun", all in order to push himself and improve his skills.
Cyril Jaunin Art Director
In 2012, he graduated as an Interactive Media Designer with a nice paper in hand, a passion for graphic arts and an insatiable curiosity, no doubt carried by the frustration of being a jack of all trades rather than an expert in one field. A strange cocktail of interests and skills that would lead him to officiate as art director at 23bis a few years later. When he's not caught daydreaming during one of his long bike rides, he uses his interest in more or less obscure subjects to find original ideas, explore new mediums or guide the artistic direction of a project in the right way.
Elena Iruarrizaga Ballesteros Production Assistant
For a long time now, her curiosity for the artistic and creative world took different forms: cinema, painting, cooking or photography.
However, she doesn’t like to give place to uncertainty and is constantly looking for tangible explanations of the world that surrounds her. It is by exploring this dichotomy that she ended up at 23bis.
If you are looking for her on weekends, she may be in Brussels, or in Spain. Or maybe just in a movie theatre in Lausanne, or walking by the lake (she can not get enough of it) or in a museum. But there is a strong chance that she is only in her kitchen, thinking of ways to take down the patriarchy.Elisa Ciocca Lead Motion Designer
She would like to be able to say that she had a vocation for this job, but the truth is that she could have liked possibly anything.
A lover of science and pragmatism as much as art and imagination, she chose the path with the most unknowns.
Italian by origin, she now lives in Lausanne and works as a motion designer for, the sister company of 23bis. It is here that she creates her magical worlds for our clients together with Mathilde, always exploring new creative avenues in close collaboration with her colleagues at 23bis.
In her spare time she likes to do too many things, which always revolve around movement... but not that kind!
She dances and teaches dance, plays beach volleyball by Lake Leman and surfs when she's by the ocean.
The rest of the time you can find her in deep paradoxical sleep where she spends hours dreaming vividly and writing down the adventures of her second life in a notebook.
You have to give her a rendezvous at a specific place, though, otherwise it is difficult to meet up.Fanny Geiser Graphic Designer
Since she was a child, bathed in bilingualism, with her hands in paint and her eyes full of images, Fanny naturally turned to a visual profession. Colours, curves and balance are the things that give rhythm to her work at 23bis. The listening and the curiosity are values which are dear to her and through that, she tries to preserve the essence of an idea and to decline it on various visual supports. On a daily basis, she is inspired by various music, furniture design, beautiful books (but often without reading them), the sky and its colours, humans and their interactions.
Gabriel Saurer Co-founder & Production Director
For as long as his parents can remember, he made things; we’ll spare you the details of his childhood exploits and all the shitty games he tried to build. Making videos is just one of those things that happened and never went away. The perfect outlet for his wild imagination and the beginnings of an inspiring entrepreneurial adventure. Today, he more or less runs the company; quite surprising when you know what teachers thought of him at school. Apart from his work as a producer, his creative focus is turned towards taking care of our team, our work environment and our business. So when he’s not on set, he’s racking his brain to find solutions to problems before they even happen. Besides his job, he always battles to know how to divide his own time between different passions he’s built over years; like sewing his own clothes, biking around Switzerland, playing tennis, trying to do a ollie for the 800th time in a row, rapping weird lyrics in the middle of the office and reading as many books as he can.
Gaëlle Gros Producer
Gaëlle grew up in a family of musicians, where music was omnipresent from an early age. This early immersion in the world of music awakened in her an artistic sensibility that she has continued to develop through various media throughout her life. Franco-Swiss by birth, she has lived in several countries, which has nurtured a great curiosity for the world around her.
After studying at the Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne, Gaëlle explored various professional fields, including NGOs and events management. These varied experiences enabled her to acquire valuable skills and a broad vision, which she decided to put at the service of a more creative industry. Today, she deploys all her energy and know-how at 23bis.
If you can't find her at the 23bis office, she's probably daydreaming in the streets of Lausanne, reading a book by the lake, enjoying a film at the cinema, or volunteering her time organizing festivals.
Or simply surrounded by friends, enjoying the sweetness of the moment.
Guillaume Mégroz Partner & Art Director
No major trigger or traumatic event in his childhood to justify this need to understand the world around him, so perhaps it’s simply curiosity. The desire and the need to learn, to do better, your best in any case, but also to create beauty that pleases, speaks, intrigues, but above all beauty that serves.
Very particular about details and their importance, looking at things from a different angle is his way of making sure that only the right details are worked on. In no way questioning their value.
If his life were to be summed up in one Youtube video, it would probably be called “How a snatch and grab incident changed my life…”. A word to the wise.Julian Zimmermann Lead Editor
At just 16 years old, Julian joined 23bis (consisting solely of Nathan and Gabriel at the time) after an extremely serious initial contact... through Facebook. In parallel to his studies at school, he trained alongside his new colleagues and friends, travelling around Switzerland on weekends to film events.
Particularly moved by music, the beauty of images, rhythm and the emotions brought on by the combination of all three, he does everything in his power to make 23bis projects stand out, that our touch is ever present.
Between two edits, he can sometimes be seen behind the camera. He takes great pleasure in capturing images on foot, rollerblades, ice skates or skis. Always keeping the way the images will fit together in the editing phase in the back of his mind. This search for the perfect balance between images, sounds and emotions is what gets him out of bed every morning. As well as the prospect of a little aperitif with his colleagues when the sun goes down.Lionel Moerch Editor and director
Originally, Lionel was a watchmaker during the week, powered by audiovisual projects on the week-ends. A 90’s kid educated by various cultures that quickly pushed him to buy a camera and experiment.
A few years passed before he finally admitted to himself that his right place was no longer behind a watchmaking’s workbench. Converted by passion, he can now express his full creative potential and his vision daily, through various projects, both professional and personal.
If you’re in a hurry, do not discuss with him subjects such as shooting on film, print, well-being and social random stuff or the latest promotional campaign of a textile brand, you risk to be late for dinner.Manuel Ammann Strategy Director
After a rather traditional educational trajectory: Gymnasium (economics and law) → Bachelor (HEC marketing) → Master (HEC Information Systems), Manuel finally realised that he was not destined to follow the standard post-HEC (Business and Economics) path. It was however these studies that sharpened his ability for analysis, problem solving and creativity. At 23bis he now plays a predominant role in the strategic management of the company, the innovation pole and the information systems design. His curiosity and his learning capabilities have nevertheless allowed him to acquire several unofficial positions within the company such as DA Junior or Head of products that will never see the light of the day. Behind this very down-to-earth journey, hides a sensitive and open-minded soul, lover of meditation, sport and good IPA.
Mathilde Neau 1ère assistante de réalisation, Member of the Strategic Board, CSR Supervisor
It is customary in the West to define a person by their profession and nationality. We found that a tad narrow-minded when describing human beings in all their complexity and diversity. Let’s examine what we hope is a better alternative.
Mathilde was raised on humanist and ecological values in the south-west of France (geographical inventory to fulfil the patriotic quota). She discovered the movies which led to a revelation, her first profession, assistant director, which she describes as the link between direction and production: the translation of the imaginary to the real (rather inspiring really). Along the way, she became acquainted with sociology which keeps her thinking about group synergies that reveal so much about our lives (she no longer takes leave of her group of colleagues she loves so dearly). She is inhabited by a reading of the sensorial world that passes through the body and whose contemporary dance and yoga make the connection. She is searching for paths of convergence through painting, reading and the voice in all its forms (and in her new life in Switzerland).
She’s at the intersection of all this and you’ll find her at 23bis. A place where she has the right to be, all of it, all the time.
2020 marks the beginning of a new era. 2023 in the hands of 23bis. Bis-e*
*A play on words, 23bis having the same pronunciation as bise which means kiss.Mayne Bussy Accounting and administrative assistant
Mayne is the mother of an exceptional boy with whom she shares wonderful moments. Her little dog Suzy, accompanies them almost everywhere. She has several passions including meditation which she practises on a daily basis. But dancing remains her first love and when the weather warms up, you might get a glimpse of her down at the lake on a stand-up paddle with little Suzy at her side.
Mila Francioso Interactive media designer apprentice
What better way to start this presentation than with the fact that (yes, again, no originality) Mila has been passionate about video and photography since she was a child. Her love and interest in arts come from her mom, who is also passionate about them.
Very (or too) often accompanied by her friends, Mila loves traveling, discovering, and exploring the world around her while, of course, documenting what she sees in photos and videos, so be careful: if you want to go fast, don't travel with her…
Particularly sensitive to the visual aspect of the things she makes, the Big Mila (quite small in fact) joined the 23bis team in August 2023 at the age of 16 to get her Interactive Media Designer CFC. Basically, she does a bit of everything here.
Nathan Saurer Co-founder & Creative Director
An ant searching for the meaning of life once heard he could find it on the summit of a mountain. “Really?” thought the ant. Hesitant but curious enough to look for it, he decided to take up the ascent. A quest full of climbs, falls, walks and runs through nights and days. A beautiful scramble that teaches him and his growing group of friends something new everyday, and how to actually enjoy this never-ending journey.
This is what I like to do. Think up stories every night before I go to sleep. I listen carefully to the world and people and then come up with stories that may serve or please.
Are you on this mountain too?Marta Haugsand Strategist & Account Manager
Whether it was playing the violin at 4 years old, inventing and performing songs, theatre plays and choreographies with her sister, building mansions on The Sims (the “rosebud” cheat code was used generously), lead-singing in a funk and soul band at 13, or editing family vacation tapes on iMovie — Marta was eager and encouraged to express herself artistically from a very young age.
Raised by Norwegian/Portuguese parents in Germany, Marta grew up in a multilingual environment full of music and travel. A total show pony as a child, influenced by MTV and talent shows from the early 2000, Marta was fully committed to becoming a pop star. But then puberty hit, and so did the fear of “not making it”. It seemed more reasonable, then, to pursue a career at the intersection of creativity and business.
Marta studied Communications at the Berlin University of the Arts, and got her master’s degree in Organizational Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Copenhagen Business School. Next to her studies, she started gaining work experience at various creative agencies and specializing in brand strategy.
Over the years, working with copywriters, graphic designers, photographers, video professionals, and brands big and small, Marta has gained a deep insight into collaborative, creative processes. A link between strategy and creative execution, Marta is interested in understanding the cultural context that a brand or organization exists in, and defining how this cultural context can be influenced in the most meaningful way.
Outside of work, Marta enjoys epic hikes and epic jams. Yes, the dream of becoming a pop star might be over, but the dream of forming a band in Zurich is very much alive. So if you have any leads, do let us know.