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Action Innocence – Harassment Awareness Campaign

  • Motion design & CGI



  • Guillaume Mégroz as Film Director

In recent years, the subject of harassment has been given extensive exposure by various organisations and through numerous campaigns. Focusing primarily on adults in face of street and sexual harassment, it is crucial to address these themes from an early age to better prevent such behaviours.

The Action Innocence Foundation and joined forces to develop an awareness campaign that presents harassment of all kinds in order to inform youth, parents, and professionals about the complexity of these experiences. The goal of this campaign was to create preventive materials that improve young people’s understanding of harassment and equip adults to provide them with the best support possible.

The visuals and sound are designed to reflect the unsettling nature of harassment incidents through a recognisable yet abstract universe and soundscapes that shift from sharp clarity to muffled tones. The narration by a professional gives a clear account of the subject and an invitation to seek help or learn more.

This project aims to inform while entertaining, through a subtle balance between storytelling and professional guidance. Today, harassment should be a subject completely open for discussion among students, parents, and professionals. This campaign represents the humble contribution of the Fondation Action Innocence,, and 23bis, towards this goal.


Clients: Fondation Action Innocence and

Production: Gabriel Saurer

Creative and Artistic Direction: Guillaume Mégroz

Designer: Elisa Ciocca, Mathilde Traversié

Motion designer: Elisa Ciocca, Mathilde Traversié, Francesca Cattaneo

Writing: Julie Pellet

Casting: Mathilde Neau

Voices: Flavia Papadaniel, Mila Francioso, Lionel Moerch, Manuel Ammann

Sound design and sound mix: Niccolò Chotkowski

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